20.05.2022 - 15:20

GrindingHub debut a resounding success

GrindingHub 2022 concludes today, with the four-day event proving a major success. Under the banner of Brings solutions to the surface, more than 370 exhibitors showcased their latest grinding technology innovations, products and solutions on almost 18,000 net square meters of exhibition space.

A total of 9,500 visitors crowded into the three fully booked halls, with around 40 percent of them coming from abroad. “Everywhere you see happy faces”, says Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, Executive Director of the organizer VDW (German Machine Tool Builders' Association). "We are more than satisfied with the success of this first ever GrindingHub. The entire concept, planning and organization were a triumph. The new trade show for grinding technology proved a complete success thanks to the great response from visitors and the strong commitment of the exhibitors”, continues Schäfer.

The manufacturers from 23 countries pulled out all the stops for the debut event. They exhibited numerous grinding-related innovations – everything from new tool concepts through to innovative processes, procedures, and interface technologies. An impressive sight was the total of more than 240 machines which worked live at the exhibition ground, many of them on large and prestigious stands. After more than two years, visitors were finally able to experience grinding technology live and at first hand again.

The full exhibition halls as well as productive conversations and meetings were most gratifying for exhibitors. As Dirk Weber, Executive Director of Haas Schleifmaschinen GmbH in Trossingen sums up: "What a great setting. Everything is so well organized and this is a great location – ideal conditions for the event. My overall impression on this third day of the event is excellent. It has been a great experience exhibiting here, and I can only recommend everyone to come to Stuttgart and the GrindingHub." Dr. Stefan Brand, Managing Director of Vollmer Werke Maschinenfabrik GmbH from Biberach an der Riß, is also more than pleased with the response and the large number of new contacts: "Right from the outset, the halls have been full, the stand has been full – what more could a manager ask for?".

The visitors, too, were enthusiastic. The visitor survey gave the debut event a grade of 1.8 on a scale from 1 to 6. Nearly 90 percent of respondents stated they would recommend GrindingHub to others, and 76 percent are intending to return for the next event in two years. In addition, one third of visitors said they were planning to follow up on investment and purchasing ideas they obtained at the show. Almost three quarters of all visitors have a decisive or advisory say in purchasing decisions within their companies.

Right from the start, the GrindingHub went to market with a hybrid concept and many digital offerings, including web sessions, exhibitor videos and forum contributions. More than half of the visitors took advantage of these offerings. They are also available to interested customers after the event on the website at www.grindinghub-digital.de.

The most important country of origin for exhibitors and visitors outside Germany is Switzerland. Christoph Blättler, Head of Machine Tools at Swissmem, the conceptual sponsor of GrindingHub, knows why. "Switzerland has the highest density of grinding machine manufacturers in the world - from global players to start-ups. GrindingHub is therefore a first-class opportunity to further expand economic relations and develop customers on the German and international markets."

GrindingHub attracted visitors from all over the world, with a focus on other European countries, but also from South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, the USA and many more. Roland Bleinroth, Managing Director of Messe Stuttgart, welcomes the international popularity and sees further growth potential: "We had people from 56 countries as guests at the exhibition center. A really great result. There were also visitors from Asia. We see great potential for the next events in the Asian and also the American market. We are now tackling these in partnership with the VDW."

Looking ahead to 2024, VDW Executive Director Wilfried Schäfer affirms: "GrindingHub is here to stay. We want to improve the trade fair and make it even better for our exhibitors, to raise its international profile and position GrindingHub as the number one event for the sector in the world."  Visitors, too, are also convinced of the potential. Two-thirds of them believe that the trade show will gain in importance in the future.

The next GrindingHub is scheduled for 14 to 17 May 2024 in Stuttgart.


Our press release is also available for download. Download press release (PDF, 154 KB)

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